Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Tube

So the other night, i had this strange dream. It was a strange thing, to awaken to memory. It wasn't just that I had dreamed this, and remembered the dream, it was as if I had actually lived this story and was remembering events that had transpired a day before - on some level - I truely hope I WAS in some parallel dimension - because this was probably the most condensed sex (in a dream) I'd ever had or witnessed - even in the most depraved pornography films.

I dreamt that I was in a crowd of people - various types, some friends, some people from the places i bought things, some workers i had seen at stores, bars, etc...mainly people I had interacted with in the last month or so. We were all wearing jumpsuits, and getting into these work trucks - sort of metallic prison-like trucks with the door in the back. We all went to this place, and started taking off all our clothes.

This wasn't odd for anyone, as a powdery mist started cleaning us and drying us. We all were pumped up, like we were in some sport event or something, and everyone looked great. Then, numbers and sybmbols started appearing on screens in the room, people were pairing up in these circles that were part of the floor pattern. Each circle had a number on it. We were all progressing to the tubes.

Well, I ended up in the cirlce with a close friend of mine. It was weird, but in the dream we were both cool with it. She looked different too - almost egyptian, with braided bangs, in a sort of cleopatra look. I somehow had dropped 20 more pounds and was in great shape too. Everyone looked great, and in this moment, I saw many people naked, admired some, got admired back - we were all wanton with sexual desires, but no one made any moves - it was like we were waiting.

Then it happened. A glass tube came down over the cirlce the girl and I were standing it, enveloping both of us, and the platform we stood on went up. Looking up, i could see all sorts of sensor arrays, and in the way only a dream or movie can do, i instantly saw that there were tons of people up above in an arena like environment, I got the sense these people could dial up any tube, and focus on one tube and do...something...

As we rose above the rooms ceiling, we came into a large arena with 1000's of tubes in them and ten's of 1000's of people in the surrounding structure - like gladiators in space or something. The music was that "Let's Get Ready To Rumble" music they play at sporting events, and on the giant screen above the venue, you could see the announcer - it was that guy Richard Dawson (Family Fued Classic).

Then in a classic - Send off - the event began. We all started fucking. In my tube, she bent over, and grabbed her ankles, so I got her from behind, walking-doggy style. It was all super sport fuck style - really fast, foamy, and furious. In the inside of our tube, I could see different holographic screens popping up, seeing the different people who were closing up on our tube. I could feel that the people watching were feeling the energy of our fucking. And that's when it dawned upon me - this is the sole purpose for why were were in there. Too let watchers enjoy our fuck energy.

Then, I felt her start to cum, and i came too - pulling out and shooting my load all over her back. Then we both started jumping around like atheletes do after a goal is made. Cheering sounds from the crowd as the waves of orgasms swept through them. Inside the tube, i could not feel any of it, save my own inner pumped up feeling. I was making "YOU YOU YOU" gestures, arms raised, screamin "YEEAAHH" then, our circle went down.

Everyone was all pumped up and excited. We were all givine high fives and butt pats like a locker room. The powder mist came in again, and cleaned us all while drying us. While I was enveloped in the mist, i felt like "This is the only time I am alone" - when I was in the mist. Then, it cleared away, and new numbers appeard.

To my joy, it was Starbuck's girl. Now, I have desired this woman from afar for real, so at this point I was all eyes, staring her up and down, really getting details about her body - soaking it all in. She stared at me - as if "It's about time" and I gave her a "glad to be back" look. This time, i embraced her as the tube went up. The crowd was again excited, and I could feel a residual energy of the last fucking that happened in this tube - which was different than the tube I had last been in (with a red floor - this one had a blue floor). Then the announcer set us off, and this time, she and I started to wrap our legs around each other, sliding against the tube.

This sent the crowd wild - you weren't supposed to touch the tubes. But we kept doing it, it was the way she rubbed against my body, then we slid to the ground. Now on the ground, she mounted me and slowly rocked back and forth on me, until we both came again, but instead of stop, she kept doing it again drawing crowd wows - the whole tube was filled with little screens, she didn't stop fucking me until the tube descended.

The mist came back down, and she held me close. She was looking deeply into my eyes, but making silly and goofy faces at me, we were busting up laughing. Then it cleared away, and I got another woman. This one was like a supermodel - perfect model body - she was tall, leggy, firmly muscular black woman. She eyed me like a lion stalking prey. I got close to her, and i could see - she had yellow eyes.

The tube went up, and she did a hands + head stand, like a tripod, with her legs spread but knees bent - it was definitely tantric. So, I stood akimbo to her, and entered her slowly, forcing my dick down and at an upside down angle. I could feel her body open to me, and she pulsed on me, i didn't have to move at all, then, she squeeze me out of her body, and I 1/2 circled her, and entered her ass. This time, she lost control and began to squeal, yet she really wanted more, this time, i came inside her - couldn't help it - it happened so suprisingly, almost by accident.

The tube lowered, and I was alone again, but when the draw came back up, it was Starbuck's girl again! She had this sorta "uh - huh" winky smiley look on her face. We knew we had been busted for breaking the tube rules, and had to go again - which was why we broke the rules...

This time, she went down on me, and slowly, comfortable, and lovingly sucked me off. The way she did it - there was no urgency - in fact - most of the performers were in this sorta slower kinda mood - like that was part of the plan for the evening. She was looking up at me sometimes making eye contact with me, and scrunching her nose up to accept me fully...and then I came in her mouth, she spit it to the ground - again causing the crowd to stir. She was a firecracker.

This time, after we descended, there was a break. During this break, i talked with several friends - each going on about how good their sexual escapades went. Then, we all got clean, clothed, and went back to the camp.

Then I woke up - happy that I had sex with the Starbuck's girl - at least on some level.

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