Thursday, December 3, 2009

How to Make a UFO

Introducing: Richard Hoagland
And now, with a turn to the celestial, we glance skyward at a soon to be revealed planet just beyond our visible range.... Richard Hoagland, formerly NBC's science consultant, and global authority, has posted new information about the face on mars and the associated structures composing the cydonia plains on mars. Recent tracking with hubble, and improvements in a long range laser probe have allowed NASA to reveal even more details about the Cydonia plains.

Hoagland is most commonly known for his discovery in the late 80s of the face on Mars. He had spent years working with NASA scientists, chaoticians, and space theorists, and they had come to some startling conclusions about the face on mars. Mainly was the underlying matrix of sacred geometry in the plains of Cydonia itself. The angles and distances of each of the objects in relation to the face on mars bore striking similarities to similar pyramid structures around the earth.

Hoagland has now been able to show that the plains not only coincide with terrestrial objects, but the structure is also a blueprint for the rythmic cycles of the solar system itself. The angles and slopes on the structures now point to the definite possibility of a tenth planet. For Hoagland, this is further proof of the NASA conspiracy of silence and misdirection.

NASA Lies To Us
For years, there has been a growing number of authorities that have speculated on the possibility of a 10th planet, and even talked about available, low tech alternatives to uncontravertabley prove it's existance or total lack thereof. For some, this indicates a deliberate attempt to contrive results, and to increase the momentum of confusion around the 10th planet so as to keep people from believing in it - which is a form of plausible deniability. For others, it represents science at it's worse - manufacturing consent.

So for years, the 10th planet remained a myth of conspiracy buffs.

The reasoning for denial can be summed up in the whole premise of this conpiracy theory - that is - NASA progressively lies about it's involvement in space. This is known in some circles as Plausible Deniability. Some say even the recent shuttle disaster was staged. It was staged to continue the premise that space travel is too dangerous for the consumer. In truth, NASA has planet hopping vehicles that are capable of jumping from planet to planet with ease. And it's easier and cheaper to use than rockets.

In the late 1960's the USA was under extreme pressure to beat the Soviets into space, and ultimately, to the moon. But at the time, this was still impossible, due to excessive radiation from the Van Allen Belt - a sphere of radiation surrounding the earth and the moon - and the relatively primitive radiation sheilding that was available to NASA. It became clear that the idea of a pod and rocket was not the correct way to go, so work went into another form of transportation.

Enter: Bob Lazar
The scientist to break the story about the Gravity drive was Bob Lazar. He was a UFO reverse engineer for Area 51. He has detailed for public record exactly what he was working on. The new form of ship uses a gravity drive. Unlike current contructs of terrestrial orgin, which rely on air, thrust, and propulsion, the gravity drive works off of a different principle: manipulation of gravity waves themselves. These hyperdimensional drives work on the principal that there are more than just the three diminsions most physicists cling to, and instead can harness energy and focus, like an amplifyer or a magnifying glass, even the smallest amounts of energy into huge energy transactions.

These drives are used to generate gravity wells. Gravity itself is a wave. The drive can amplify and refocus the pitch, amplitude, and, to some extent, the frequency of the gravity waves. So this hyperdimensional drive utilizes a small amount of super-dense elements to prime the gravity well, the accesses other dimensional free energy, to amplify the waves into a narrow beam which is capable of suspending almost unlimited weight.

Gravity drive ships are small vessels with minimal design towards any kind of machinery, since they are mostly ran by a small battery, a tiny canister of superdense molecules, life support systems, and the hyperdrive itself. 3 small pods are placed outside the hull spaced out in a triangular pattern, to give the gravity beams 3 "legs" to use for stabilization, and triple directional propulsion. A small gravity field is applied outside the ship, an almost auric emanation from the drive itself, to create frictionless travel.

To Boldly Go...
With a drive like this, you can position a "ship" just about anywhere within the arc of a night's sky. And with frictionless travel and an unlimited thrust, almost instantaneously - near teleportation speeds. For long term travel, the ship can hover above the planet, until it's floating outside of the immediate planetary gravity well, and then focus it's 3 legs on a single point in space, and turning this gravity drive up to a higher frequency, the pilot could bend )or fold) space itself, and instantaneously travel to any point in the universe. Higher levels of the gravity frequency actually allow for travel forward and backward through time.

The mathematics which provide the understanding for this hyperdrive are part of the greatest mystery of all time, because it's all embedded and encoded on the plains of Cydonia. Deep within the mathematics of all the angles and patterns, one can find the basics of higher dimensional mathematics. From these equations, we can derive how to access higher dimensional free energy.

One day, we will all have access to this technology, and on that day, you will know that we are in a very small universe, and that things are much closer to us than you think.

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