Friday, December 4, 2009

Preserving History as we know it

Maybe you don't know this yet, maybe you do - I am (frankly) outraged at what the Conservatives are doing to our history. For the past 10 years, the conservatives have been buying up textbook companies in order to rewrite history to align with their political agenda. Last summer, conservatives were "caught" handing out copies of "Origin of the Species" by Charles Darwin - a book which is the de facto book on evolution - to college freshmen on campuses around the US. The only catch is, the books were written with the first half being a monolog about how evolution was wrong, and how people should probably ignore Darwin's work, and just read the bible.

And it doesn't stop there; recently, conservatives have undertaken a new effort - rewrite the bible itself to eradicate "liberal" context from it. Now... I don't believe much of the bible, nor recount it's accuracy by any means, but this editing of such a work comes down to partisanship, and is a slippery slope. To translate the bible itself to forward a political agenda is nothing new, but neither is murder, rape, or war.

And this is a form of murder, rape and war on reason. You know, just two years ago, these same people were arguing in favor of banning the book Farenheit 451 - effectively banning a book about book banners.

This insanity is in place for one reason: salting the earth.

When, in the old days, an army was forced to retreat from previously conquered grounds, they would spead out pounds of salt onto the very ground (salt prevents the earth from retaining it's nutrients) in order to make the land they had to leave un-usable. And that's what the conservatives are doing. And have been doing, even before they were forced to retreat. Ranging from these radical rewrites of history, to shredding our Bill of Rights, it behoves them to slash and burn so much, because then we are forced into a recovery mode; instead of being able to move forward with government policies, progressive reforms, or the environment - we are instead forced to step back and work hard to conserve the state of things which should remain unmutable as they are sacred unto themselves.

Stay on target - pass along history, don't be afraid to tell people they are wrong.

So many times, people will argue with me on the facts about (for example) the war in Iraq. They are so sure of their stance: We are at war because of 9/11. Why? Because they read it in a book. Who cares if the author was right or wrong - "I read it" so it must be true.

Think for yourselves. Question authority.

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