Thursday, December 3, 2009

Dagobert's Revenge

In the year 469, the Roman Catholic Church made a pact with Clovis I, King of the Franks, bestowing upon him the title "New Constantine", in exchange for his conversion to the faith. Thus began the Holy Roman Empire, with the promise that the title would be passed down to his descendants from that moment on. In the year 800, that promise was broken.

Dagobert II was a French king from the sacred Merovingian bloodline, the last Merovingian to hold the title "Holy Roman Emperor". The Merovingians were a dynasty of Frankish priest-kings who were believed by their subjects to have magical powers derived from their long red hair. There were rumors of witchcraft, fortune telling and crystal-ball gazing, among others. In fact, portraits of Merovingian kings customarily depict them holding one of these crystal balls in the left hand. Since the time of Clovis I, the Merovingians had presided over the Holy Roman Empire, but by the time Dagobert II was born, the power of the throne had already been weakened, with authority increasingly being usurped by court chancellors known as "Mayors of the Palace".

On the death of his father, the 5-year-old Dagobert was kidnapped by then Palace Mayor Grimoald, who tried to put his own son on the throne. Human compassion saved him from death, and he was exiled to Ireland, only to return years later and reclaim the throne in 679. But the problems of the Mayors of the Palace continued. Three years later, apparently displeased with Dagobert's lack of allegiance, the Roman church entered into a conspiracy with Mayor Pepin the Fat. On December 23, while on a hunting trip, Dagobert was lanced through the eye by his own godson, supposedly on Pepin's orders. With Roman endorsement, Pepin passed political power onto his son, Charles Martel, thus starting the Carolingian dynasty that would later become so famous.

After that, the Merovingian bloodline faded into obscurity. All subsequent Merovingian kings were essentially powerless, and they were officially thought to have died out with Dagobert's grandson, Childeric III. 49 years later, Charles Martel's grandson, Charlemagne was annointed Holy Roman Emperor. The church had finally washed its hands of the Merovingian problem, or so they thought.

And what was the problem, exactly? Well, rumor has it that the Merovingian bloodline was descendant from Jesus, or one of his brothers, who fled Roman persecution at the time of the crucifixion and escaped to France, where they intermarried with French royalty. This claim is made by certain members of modern European nobility, who trace their own ancestry back to Dagobert's son Sigisbert. According to this claim, the Merovingians knew the truth about Jesus and his actual significance as King of the Jews. They knew the Roman church had stolen their birthright - Jerusalem, co-opted the idea of Jesus and created a fictionalized version of the messiah to further their own agenda - world domination, both secular and spiritual.

The Merovingians knew that the fantasy of Christ as a virgin-born diety who suffered willingly for our sins and ascended to heaven was just that - an "opiate of the masses" used by the Romans as an excuse to set themsleves up as the arbiters of God in order to perpetuate their faltering empire. This might have been the whole reason for the pact with Clovis I, to effectively shut him and his family up. And with the death of Dagobert II, they thought they had eradicated this threat for good. They were sorely mistaken.

This was not the last meideval threat to the Papacy or the Jesus scam. During the Second crusade in the 11th-12 century the Knights Templar where given permission to excavate the Temple of soloman. According to strong evidence and masonic lore a copper scroll and others where found hidden beneath the cornerstone(important) of the temple. this scroll tells the story of Esu Ben Joseph (Jesus) and his brother James leading a outcast group of gnostic Jews called the Mandaens, one of their secrets was the rediscovery of a "resurection" ritual that joined one symbolically to their community. The Mandeans called their holy men Nasariyans, remember the town in Iraq?( there is no historic town of Nazerene, the emperor Constintines wife picked a spot for it about 700 years later). The brother would lead a kind of Dual messiahic role with James as the warrior leader and Jesus as spritual leader. Jesus's acceptance of women and others into his community directly clashed with the hebrew belief at that time of "cleanliness" and that which was unclean. After the death of Jesus James took control of the community in jerusalem...untill this uptight Greek named Saul of Taurus, changed his name to Paul , banished the mandeans to what is now modern Iraq. This bastard Paul then calls himself an apostle ( he never met Jesus) has James stoned to death and highjacks this hebrew belief and hellenizes it into the greek mess worshiped today. fast forward centurys and the Templars find this out, upon returning to the Pope the head of the Templars was tortured for hours, after his torture the Pope had a shroud wrapped around his body to absorb the blood, seat and tannic acid from the beatings, the shroud was locked away and brought out as a relic later....... the suriving Templars flee to the safety of scotland (their late leader was married into scotch nobility) with crudely drwn plans the Templars took their secrets and built a scaled down replica of the temple of soloman, it is called Rosslyn cathedral and contains no christian images, and also has new world plants engraved upon it (aloe and corn), but this is in the 13th century.

Many of the banished Knights fled across the sea to escape the church and search for the mysterious lands mentioned in scrolls from Jerusalem, as a last thought...the Templars marine batlle flag was the skull and crossbones..........

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